Importing Outlook Contact Birthday / Anniversary date values

| 2011-11-28

The process followed when Birthday/Anniversary values are added via the Outlook user interface is described in “Birthday, Anniversary Calendar entries via the UI

When importing either Birthday and/or Anniversary information, the respective Birthday/Anniversary events are not automatically added to the Outlook calendar upon import. In fact, these items will never be added to the calendar until specific trigger fields are “touched” or updated:

Birthday/Anniversary update trigger fields

  • The Birthday/Anniversary date value is changed
  • The <FullName> button is clicked and <OK> is selected to close the resulting window whether or not any change to the FullName is made
  • Any field is modifed which impacts the value of any <derived> field such as FileAs (derived = an Outlook field that gets automatically updated based on the change in value of another field)

Changing any other field in the contact item will not cause the Anniverary/Birthday event to be added to the calendar.

If/when one of the above conditions occurs, the calendar update process used is as follows:

1) If the contact item is contained in a contact folder that resides in an infostore that has a default calendar folder, the event will be added silently and automatically.

2) If the contact item is contained in a contact folder that resides in an infor stores that does NOT have a default calendar folder, the following question will asked:

<Create the “Person’s Birthday” event in your personal calendar> – Yes/No

If you select <yes>, an entry will be added to the default calendar for the profile in use.

If you select <No>, the question will be repeated any time a trigger event occurs as described above.

If you do not want the Birthday/Anniversary to be added to the calendar AND also do not want to keep answering the message, the only way to do that is to answer <yes> and then manually delete the entry from the calendar.

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