Karl Timmermans
Karl Timmermans's Latest Posts
How to fix corrupt Outlook ost files
There are frequent questions about how to repair an .ost file mostly attributed to some unknown problems being encountered with the presumption is that the underlying source of the problem is the .ost file associated with the email account. In a nutshell, the quickest and best way to fix any problems with an .ost file […]
Understanding if your Outlook Message is spam or real
Wbile the topic of this article may seem obvious to some, there are many who wonder if an email they receive is real or spam especially when it’s something that purports to come from Microsoft about their email account or more specifically something asking for credentials to be confirmed. No major organization will ever ask […]
How to rename or delete Outlook default folders using MFCMapi

There is no option within the Outlook UI to delete any standard Outlook folder (i.e. <Inbox> etc) which was created at any point by defining a PST file as the “default data file” within ANY Outlook profile. More specifically, if a PST file was defined as a default data file in a previous version of […]
How to rename Outlook Navigation Pane data file entries using MFCMapi

In the current versions of Outlook, the name of the data store shown in the Outlook Navigation Pane is typically the email address associated with the email account. If a data store already exists when configuring the email account a second (or third….) time, Outlook adds a number i.e. yourname@outlook.com would appear as yourname@outlook.com(1) as […]