Understanding How Outlook PST2PST Import / Export Differs

| 2011-12-28

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Something that is often overlooked when importing data from another PST file are the extra options that need to be correctly set which are not the norm when importing from any other kind of data file. This can result in the import being completed with the imported data being contained in an unexpected location giving the appearance that the import did not work (i.e. not work = data appears to be missing) – especially true if more than one PST file (infostore) is contained in the active Outlook profile.

There are two different behaviors in a PST2PST import that control where data gets imported to if the options are left to the default values on the “Import Personal Folders” window which appears immediately after selecting the PST file to be imported. The initial “default values” are determined by what folder has been selected PRIOR to starting the import wizard. Unfortunately, very often, the settings are ignored and the <Finish> button is clicked.

On the Import side


The 4 settings of paramount significance are as follows:

#1 – Source folder to be imported

  • if none is selected, the root folder in the PST file will be imported. What actually gets included depends on whether or not the “Include Sub-Folders” box is checked (setting #2). If you do not specifically select the folder you wish to import, you may end up with unintended results in terms of what gets imported.

#2 – Include Sub-Folders checkbox

  • as the name implies, if the box is checked, all sub-folders will be included in the import

#3a – Import items into the current folder OR

  • -the “current folder” in this case represents the <last> selected folder (or the last folder being used) PRIOR to the import process being started. To describe it another way, it is the folder that has the current focus in the Outlook UI whatever that happens to be. If the currently selected folder is not the same type as the one being imported (i.e. currently selected folder is a “mail type” and you are importing a contact folder, a warning message will be displayed to that affect.

#3b – Import items into the same folder in:

  • When multiple PST files exist in the Outlook profile in use, this option allows you to imported the selected folder (Setting #1) into any one of the PST files that exist. The default value will be the PST file that contains the folder which has the current focus in the Outlook UI prior to starting the import process.

Important note:

If you import a folder from a PST file that has “at any time” been designated as a “default” folder, it cannot be deleted in the destination PST file should you decide, for any reason, to change your mind. For this and any number of other reasons, you should always have a current backup of your important Outlook data.

On the Export side


The two critical elements to pay attention to when exporting from a PST file is

#1 – Source folder to be exported

  • Not paying attention to what is going to be the <Root> folder of data to be exported can lead to unexpected results. For instance, if your intent is to export the entire PST file, then it is paramount that the top level <root> folder be selected (DevTest2 as per the example in the screenshot) AND the <Include Subfolders> option be checked

#2 – Include Sub-Folders checkbox

  • Having this option checked will result in all the sub-folders contained under the selected folder it item #1 to be exported.

Filter Option

The filter option is available for both importing and exporting which enables to limit the information being either imported or exported based on the filter values set. In the case of exporting, if the ultimate objective is to export selected contact items to any other file type, then it would be first necessary to export the data to another PST file, open the newly exported PST file in Outlook and then export the contents from that PST file.

Clicking on the <Filter> button during either the Import or Export process as per the screenshots above will open the same PST filter screen in which you can set the desired options.

An overview of the PST to PST Import and Export process can also be seen in

Outlook PST2PST Importing


Outlook PST2PST Exporting

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