Tag: Outlook custom forms

Understanding Multi-line Outlook Street Addresses

| 2014-12-06

A complaint seen frequently is that when street address fields are exported from Outlook, the field is either not exported correctly and/or the field contains strange characters. This would particularly be the case if the data was exported to either a Microsoft Excel or Access file in Outlook ‘2010 or earlier or to a CSV […]

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Maximum number of Outlook user-defined fields allowed

| 2011-12-05

What is the maximum number of user-defined fields that can be added to an item? An <absolute> answer to that question has never been found in any publicly available documentation but, reality is, no matter what that number is, it’s far more than could ever be reasonably managed by a “mere mortal” and definitely exceeds […]

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Outlook Custom forms – Things to avoid

| 2011-12-05

Some very basic things that should be avoided when designing/publishing custom contact forms are as follows: 1. The same custom form should not be published to multiple form libraries. Doing so can cause <forms cache> corruption. There is no way to guarantee that the forms published using the same form name are actually identical forms […]

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How to Back Up Outlook Custom Forms

| 2011-12-05

One item that very often gets over-looked is having a current backup for any custom form that is in use. Perhaps, this should be better stated as “not only having a current backup but remembering where it is located”. There can be any number of reasons why you may need to re-publish a custom form […]

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List of Outlook Standard Contact Field Names

| 2010-01-29

There are two sets of field names used by Outlook for standard fields – internal names and Display Names (used by the Field Chooser during custom form design and shown in the All Fields List when displaying detailed contact information). The Display Names are based on the Microsoft Office language setting in use and change […]

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