Tag: Email Configuration

How to avoid automatic Imap account configuration

| 2015-12-20

People migrating from preview versions of Outlook where the email accounts in use were configured as POP3 accounts, get surprised when these accounts are suddenly configured as an Imap account when configuring the account in Outlook ‘2013 or ‘2016. It really has nothing to do with the version of Outlook but more to do with […]

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Creating an Outlook Profile – Outlook ‘2007-‘2016

| 2015-12-14

The profile creation process is almost identical for all versions of Outlook with only minor differences between Outlook versions. The following video runs through a quick overview using Outlook ‘2016 followed by the differences in previous Outlook versions summarizing the content of this post   There are any number of reasons that you may be […]

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How to Protect Outlook ‘2013/’2016 Imap Contact/Calendar Data

| 2015-12-04
How to Protect Outlook ‘2013/’2016 Imap Contact/Calendar Data

For a quick video overview of the material contained in this post In Outlook ‘2010 and earlier, Contact/Calendar folders associated with an Imap email account were always stored in the default contact/calendar folders for the Outlook profile which was always a separate datastore (.pst file) from the one created to hold the Imap email folders. […]

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Understanding Email Accounts and Email Clients

| 2014-12-08

The Email Account As described in “Understanding the Email Process“, an email account for the purposes of these series of articles is defined as the server location where your email address resides and email gets delivered or in short, the term “email account” is used synonmously with the term “email address”. However, there is one […]

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