How To Change Outlook AddressBook Settings

| 2015-12-05

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The two most common items referenced in terms of Outlook AddressBook issues relate to which contact list appears by default or no contacts appear at all when the AddressBook is opened followed by the sequence in which contacts are listed.

Typically when the Outlook when no contacts appear when the Outlook AddressBook is opened, it’s because contacts have been imported into the wrong contact folder or more specifically, were not imported into the default contact folder for the profile which in turn is the folder that is displayed by the AddressBook by default.

The other common complaint is that the AddressBook doesn’t show the contacts in the desired sort sequence. The AB can be set to display contacts in either <FirstName LastName> or <FileAs> order. The order of the FileAs field is determined by the default FileAs setting for the profile. A common oversight is that whatever setting is selected for the FileAs field, it applies to the newly created contacts going forward. Changing the FileAs default does not change the FileAs field for any existing contact so in turn, the AddressBook would not automatically reflect all contacts in a newly selected FileAs order.


See also

Understanding the Outlook AddressBook

Understanding Outlook Sync Issues

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Category: Outlook - How To, Tutorial Videos

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