RSSUnderstanding Outlook

Understanding Sync – Devices, Email Clients and Accounts

| 2016-07-17

A common misunderstanding people have when it comes to Office 365 (Outlook – desktop client) is the term “sync” with a multi-user multi-device subscription (i.e. the basic 5 user Office 365  Home license). The misunderstanding comes from the marketing materials not making it entirely clear that being able to have the same data depends on […]

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Understanding Outlook Email Account Configuration

| 2016-07-10
Understanding Outlook Email Account Configuration

For those not familiar with email protocols, that’s the process by which an <email client> (like Outlook) connects to an <email account>. What happens in terms of what data gets download and/or synchronized along with the types of data files get created depends completely on the protocol used to connect to the <email account>. Email […]

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Understanding Email versus PIM information

| 2014-12-08
Understanding Email versus PIM information

Historically, email accounts dealt with only one type of information – email messages being sent and recieved. At the very core of the process, that is still very much true today for the most part with extensions added to store and retrieve PIM (Personal Information Management) data such as contacts, calendar and tasks. As things […]

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Understanding Outlook Configuration & Profiles

| 2014-12-08

All versions of Outlook create and utilize an <Outlook Profile> before it can be used. On a new machine (or one that has been reformatted) where Outlook has been installed for the first time, Outlook will require that an Outlook profile be created which for the vast majority of people includes the configuration of at […]

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Understanding Email Accounts and Email Clients

| 2014-12-08

The Email Account As described in “Understanding the Email Process“, an email account for the purposes of these series of articles is defined as the server location where your email address resides and email gets delivered or in short, the term “email account” is used synonmously with the term “email address”. However, there is one […]

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