Understanding Outlook
Understanding Auto-Discover and setting up email accounts
Many people new to Outlook and those migrating from an earlier version follow the approach of just entering their email address and password for the email account being configured without understanding the consequences especially for those who want to set up their email account using the POP3 protocol versus IMAP as a for instance. Letting […]
Understanding the Office-Outlook uninstall-reinstall process to fix errors
In terms of correcting errors occurring within Outlook, there are times when performing an uninstall/reinstall serves no purpose and is a complete waste of time. When Office/Outlook is uninstalled using Control Panel, the existing Outlook profiles are not removed and persist. To put this another way, when Office is reinstalled, Outlook will continue to use […]
Understanding PST file size limitations – ANSI vs Unicode

This is an article that really applies to those who have been using Outlook since the days of Outlook ‘2000 and have migrated .pdt data files as they’ve upgraded to newer versions along the way (i.e. to ‘2003 / ‘2007 / ‘2010) and have or are moving to the latest version of Office 365 (i.e. […]
Understanding Outlook desktop versus Windows 10 Mail app
With Microsoft’s seeming penchant to name everything email related as Outlook, it is understandable that there is confusion for those new to Windows 10 and Office (Outlook). First and foremost, the Windows 10 Mail / People / Calendar apps are completely separate from the Outlook (desktop) program that is part of the Office 365 suite […]