RSSOutlook – How To

How to save an Outlook Contact Group

| 2015-12-12

A question that comes up frequently is “How can I export a contact group” or “I exported my contact folder and the contact group(s) are missing – why?” Contact Groups (formerly known as Personal Distribution Lists) are not and can not be exported via the Outlook export wizard. An Outlook Contact Group is a special […]

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Exporting Outlook Contacts to a CSV file

| 2015-12-08

  Exporting contacts to a csv file using the Outlook export wizard is a very simple process provided some one very simple step is followed along with understanding some of the limitations. The most important step is to manually map the actual fields you want to export. If you do not go through the manual […]

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Create an Outlook profile without an email account

| 2015-12-05

People who want to use Outlook as a PIM (Personal Information Manager) instead of an email client, still need to create an Outlook profile. The process is simply but not necessarily intuitive. The following video steps through the steps involved in creating an Outlook profile without an associated email account.  

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How To Change Outlook AddressBook Settings

| 2015-12-05

The two most common items referenced in terms of Outlook AddressBook issues relate to which contact list appears by default or no contacts appear at all when the AddressBook is opened followed by the sequence in which contacts are listed. Typically when the Outlook when no contacts appear when the Outlook AddressBook is opened, it’s […]

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How to Protect Outlook ‘2013/’2016 Imap Contact/Calendar Data

| 2015-12-04
How to Protect Outlook ‘2013/’2016 Imap Contact/Calendar Data

For a quick video overview of the material contained in this post In Outlook ‘2010 and earlier, Contact/Calendar folders associated with an Imap email account were always stored in the default contact/calendar folders for the Outlook profile which was always a separate datastore (.pst file) from the one created to hold the Imap email folders. […]

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