Karl Timmermans's Latest Posts

Understanding PST file size limitations – ANSI vs Unicode

| 2017-09-10
Understanding PST file size limitations – ANSI vs Unicode

This is an article that really applies to those who have been using Outlook since the days of Outlook ‘2000 and have migrated .pdt data files as they’ve upgraded to newer versions along the way (i.e. to ‘2003 / ‘2007 / ‘2010) and have or are moving to the latest version of Office 365 (i.e. […]

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How to find missing contacts in the Outlook addressbook

| 2017-03-30
How to find missing contacts in the Outlook addressbook

A question/issue seen repeatedly involves contacts that do not appear in the Outlook AddressBook. The following is going to cover the most common reasons for this to occur. Recap of the Outlook AddressBook (AB) The Outlook AddressBook is in fact comprised of contact folders designated to be a member of the AB. The first email […]

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How to edit adhoc contact group members in Outlook 2013-2016

| 2017-03-30
How to edit adhoc contact group members in Outlook 2013-2016

Starting with Outlook ‘2013, the use of contact cards were introduced altering the behavior of what many people were used to in previous versions. For example, if the contact folder was set to a non-list type of view (i.e. People or card) and you clicked on a contact, a contact card would appear instead of […]

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How to use the Windows Registry Editor (Beginners’s Guide)

| 2017-03-30
How to use the Windows Registry Editor (Beginners’s Guide)

On occasion, the solution to a given Outlook issue requires that a change is made to the Windows registry, which can be a daunting activity for those not familiar with the process. Frequently, you will be provided with the complete registry entry of what things should look like after the change is made.  For the […]

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