Karl Timmermans's Latest Posts

Using Outlook for Email Marketing

| 2011-11-28

Being a provider of Outlook import/export products, we are aware of many customers that use (or want to use) Outlook for bulk mailing to some or all of their contact lists. However, there are some limitations and pitfalls associated with that process that many may not be aware of. Some of those limitations/pitfalls are as […]

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Outlook Troubleshooting Best Practices

| 2011-11-28

It is inevitable that at some point in time, you will be faced with an unexpected error message that you are not familiar with and/or which could at best be described as “cryptic” and you need assistance finding an answer to the problem. Using Search Engines There is a very high probablity that you will […]

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Understanding CSV file structure for Outlook

| 2011-11-27

The acronym for CSV is “Comma Separated Values” representing a text file containing multiple fields in a single record/row where each field is separated by a comma. The other major element that is important to understand is the <field qualifier> character which is used to surround the value of a given field when the field […]

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Understanding Outlook user-defined fields (part 3)

| 2011-11-27

Part 3 in this series focuses on how to have a user-defined field appear the way you want using any characters while still keeping the actual user-defined field names as simple and clean as possible (per Part 1) The natural tendency is to create (name) the user-defined field the way you want to see it […]

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Understanding Outlook User-Defined fields (part 2)

| 2011-11-27

Part 1 focused on what characters should be used to create any Outlook user-defined field (in fact, a good rule to apply creating any field in any database program). Part 2 focuses on “why the field name you select may matter” when data is shared between Outlook and another program. This will only deal with […]

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