Karl Timmermans's Latest Posts

Creating an Excel Named Range & avoiding Outlook import problems

| 2012-03-28

The most common problems people encounter when importing data using an Excel file involve a missing <Named Range> or an incorrectly defined <Named Range> resulting in either too few or too many rows being imported into Excel. This video shows how to create an Excel <Named Range> and how to avoid common pitfalls related to […]

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How to Avoid Problems with Outlook Contact Names

| 2012-03-28

When creating a new Outlook contact, many people simply enter the contact’s name in the contact’s <FullName> field instead of entering the values into the individual fields that comprise the <FullName> field. In doing that, Outlook has to parse the value entered and <TRY> to determine what the actual values should be for the various […]

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Understanding Outlook Sync Issues

| 2012-03-28

There are many questions/problems posted about what people believe are Outlook problems as related to <sync> issues. This video describes why sync issues are not Outlook issues and shows real time examples of how problems can be encountered by a 3rd party program making changes to contact fields in Outlook data files (primary focus on […]

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Understanding How Outlook PST2PST Import / Export Differs

| 2011-12-28
Understanding How Outlook PST2PST Import / Export Differs

Something that is often overlooked when importing data from another PST file are the extra options that need to be correctly set which are not the norm when importing from any other kind of data file. This can result in the import being completed with the imported data being contained in an unexpected location giving […]

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List of Import Contact Field Names for Outlook.com Using CSV

| 2011-12-28

When importing a file into Outlook.com via the Outlook.com web interface, you do not have the option to select which fields to import or map fields contained in the CSV file against corresponding fields in an Outlook.com contact item. The field names used in the CSV file are required to be labeled according to what […]

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