Karl Timmermans
Karl Timmermans's Latest Posts
How to Import contact data into an Outlook.com eas account
When trying to import into an Outlook.com account (formerly Hotmail) using the Outlook ‘2013 import wizard, you may encounter the following message preventing you from completing the function “Could not complete the operation because the service provider does not support it” This would occur if the Outlook.com account is configured as an EAS (Exchange ActiveSync) […]
Understanding Outlook Home, Business, Other Mailing Address Fields
There are 3 sets of address fields that can be used when importing information in Outlook (Home, Business, Other). To use the Business Address as an example (everything applies equally to all 3 address groups), the fields applicable to that group are (field names are shown as Internal Outlook names followed by the Outlook Display […]
How to Change Outlook AddressBook Last/First Name sequence
The Outlook AddressBook allows for the sorting of the AddressBook names in either <First/Last Name> format or based on the value of the <FileAs> field. The example shown beside the Outlook AB setting for FileAs shows <Last, First> but that is simply an example of what the FileAs field can contain. A common misconception is […]
Outlook 2013 Import/Export changes
With the introduction of Outlook 2013, there are now only 2 file types supported for both import and export: 1) CSV file 2) PST File While <CSV> is actually an Excel file type, the one thing that has not changed is how Excel 2013 generates a CSV file from a worksheet. Like it’s predecessors, Excel […]
Understanding Basic Outlook Contact Sync Issues

There are many questions/problems posted about what people believe are Outlook problems as related to <sync> issues. This video describes why sync issues are not Outlook issues and shows real time examples of how problems can be encountered by a 3rd party program making changes to contact fields in Outlook data files (primary focus on […]