Outlook Ins & Outs

Understanding Default calendar folder for new Outlook Birthday / Anniversary dates

Virtually everyone is familiar with the concept of the “default calendar folder” for the current profile. In general terms, this is the calendar that events are added to by default and is the folder that resides in the same folder tree where your <default> INBOX exists (the location where all email gets delivered.

However, where a Birthday/Anniversary calendar item gets saved depends entirely on whether or not a default calendar folder exists in the <infostore> where the contact folder resides.

An <infostore>,  for this purpose, is defined as being any PST file, Exchange Mailbox or Shared Exchange Mailbox. A PST file can contain a default folder set even if it is not designated as the default infostore for the profile. For the sake of simplicity, default folders are defined as those residing in a folder tree that contains an INBOX. For additional information regarding <default folders> in general, see the article entitle <Understanding Outlook Default Folders versus Default Account>

The calendar to which any Anniversary/Birthday event is added follows this order of priority:

  1. Default calendar (if one exists) in the infostore where the contact folder containing the contact item exists, otherwise
  2. Default calendar for the profile in use

There is no option to otherwise select which calendar is used for the addition of a Birthday/anniverary event

ContactGenie Toolkit v1.7+ provides new Anniversary/Birthday calendar functions that allows deleting these dates in bulk or adding them to any calendor folder in addition to setting the reminder time value of choice instead of the default 15 minutes used by Outlook.

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